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Flash Gordon
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July 1, 2006
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Sci Fi is going to having a series based on this classic saterday matinee serials. Will they Ruin it? Can it be ruined? Flash Gordonis one of those few Icons That have lasted from those early days of cinamtic Sci Fi. the last incarnation I remember was an animated series Where Flash Was a skater boy slacker, not exactly the rally point for an intergalacted rebelion.
The series is set to start this summer, What would you like to see? what would you hope they leave out?

Will someone shut that man up
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April 4, 2006
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cooky37 wrote: Sci Fi is going to having a series based on this classic saterday matinee serials. Will they Ruin it? Can it be ruined? Flash Gordonis one of those few Icons That have lasted from those early days of cinamtic Sci Fi. the last incarnation I remember was an animated series Where Flash Was a skater boy slacker, not exactly the rally point for an intergalacted rebelion.
The series is set to start this summer, What would you like to see? what would you hope they leave out?

Will someone shut that man up

I want nothing left out. I hope they can find a happy medium between the campiness of the serials and the 1980 movie, and something a little more serious. But, I hope they don't go BSG with it. Flash is a comic strip character first, and should be fun, not dark and gritty. I would normally think you can't really screw up Flash Gordon if you respect the original material, but having seen the new Robin Hood series from the BBC, I know that isn;t true. I am keeping my fingers crossed here. Oh yeah, Dale and the Princess need to be REALLY HOT!!!

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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March 14, 2006
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Leave the rocketships and Jetpacks at home, but keep the rayguns. Ming the Merciless should be one evil dude, I mean ruthless. But most of all keep the Queen song...... "Flash! Ahhhhhhhh...."

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July 1, 2006
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If they keep the moon relm concept they will need the rockets. I hope they keep the Hawkmen. The LionMan from the Filmation cartoon can go though.

Do not try and find the softer side of Ming

Will someone shut that man up
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March 14, 2006
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Well I'm not sure about the updates to Flash Gordon, which you can read at the link below. Looks like there won't hardly be any spaceships since Flash will travel through a portal back and forth to both worlds. I wonder if it's a budget issue? At least they are using the Queen song (Flash! Ahhhhhhhhh!).


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July 1, 2006
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What? no ships that look like a girls best friend

Will someone shut that man up
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April 4, 2006
Posts: 1353

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rayman wrote: Well I'm not sure about the updates to Flash Gordon, which you can read at the link below. Looks like there won't hardly be any spaceships since Flash will travel through a portal back and forth to both worlds. I wonder if it's a budget issue? At least they are using the Queen song (Flash! Ahhhhhhhhh!).


I am ticked about using a wormhole to travel through. Geeeezzz....I think Sci Fi is married to a wormhole! And, from what I have heard they are only going to be using the Queen song for the teaser trailer theya re airing. This thing starts in just about two weeks and they haven't advertised for spit. That worries me, cause SFC usually advertises so much I am dang near sick of a show before it ever airs.

a.k.a. Fringey, The Fringe Element
"A life lived without passion is a life not lived.
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March 14, 2006
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My expectations are pretty low at the moment, either way I'll check out the pilot.

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July 1, 2006
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I can't find a cast list or a decent photo (except of Flash or Dale) But, does Dr. Zarkof sound like Robert Picardo?

Will someone shut that man up
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January 28, 2007
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According to IMDB, Dr. Hans Zarkov will be played by Jody Racicot.


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July 1, 2006
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Aug 7th is the release of a remastered 80's Flash Gordon
Aug 10th the new series which one critic decribed as a cross between Smallville and the live action movie Masters of the Universe
Which would you rather see?

Will someone shut that man up
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March 14, 2006
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cooky37 wrote: Aug 10th the new series which one critic decribed as a cross between Smallville and the live action movie Masters of the Universe

Will someone shut that man up

That doesn't sound like a good review, I wasn't a big fan of the Masters of the Universe movie.

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July 1, 2006
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the funny thing is, the critic did like Masters of the universe.

Will someone shut that man up
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March 14, 2006
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Well were going to find out tonight if it's worth watching week after week.

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July 1, 2006
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ok, uhm.... not impressed. I can deffanately see the Smallville simularities. What Can of shop does Flash have?
Where's the Hawkmen, Prince Baron?
There are no Fan Boy nods that i caught.
Mings too much of a pretty boy.
Zarkoff a whimp
Flash never thought of turning around and going out the kitchen door
In this Flash is a lone runner, at least in the movie he was a running back and knew how to work as a team.
i see room for story growth but i think next week i'll just get a good nights sleep.

Will someone shut that man up
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